Bellway Strategic Land secured detailed planning permission for Clavering Park, on land off Clavering Walk, in August 2021. This paved the way for Bellway’s Kent division to complete the purchase of the 20-acre plot in October 2024.
Clavering Park will feature a mix of 49 new homes for private sale and 21 affordable properties available for local people through low-cost rent or shared ownership. The private homes will comprise a combination of 2, 3 and 4-bedroom houses.
A large area of public open space will be created to the north of the site, with new planting, footpaths, boardwalks and play space for children.
Ben Stacey, Strategic Land Director (South), said: “Our team has put in a great deal of careful and detailed work throughout the ongoing planning process to ensure that this will be a well-designed, high-quality development which complements its setting as well as delivering much-needed new housing for the area.
“It is now good to be able to report that the next step towards the provision of these 70 new homes in Bexhill-on-Sea has been achieved by the purchase of the land by Bellway Kent.”
Chris Moore, Managing Director for Bellway Kent, said: “We are looking forward to starting construction work on this site.
“Our plans will see us deliver an attractive and sustainable new neighbourhood in the town, providing a mix of energy-efficient homes in a sustainable location with amenities and transport links within walking distance.
“In addition to providing a range of properties designed to meet the specific requirements of the housing market in the area, Bellway Kent will, as part of the planning agreement, invest approximately £1.3 million through the Community Infrastructure Levy, which provides funding for local authorities to spend on local facilities.”